Over the past few years I have been developing modern web applications like Kifu on my laptop using Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Octopress, and Node.js powered by Pow. But over the next few weeks I’ll be helping a friend upgrade a bunch of older legacy static (plain HTML), PHP and Wordpress sites.
I do want to keep using the same smooth workflow processes as I have now. But I do not want to clutter up my pristine OS X installation to do it. So this is how I have my modern web development environment set up, and how I have added almost seamless legacy development capability to it.
If you want to skip the details and see how to set up Pow and Apache on OS X Mountain Lion to work together, click here.
My Modern Web Development Setup
The modern platform is:
- PostgreSQL is my development database because that’s what all my production databases are. But instead of using the Homebrew or a native install (and therefore having it running when I do not need it), I run the Postgres.app by Matt Thompson at Heroku. This app starts a PostgreSQL server instantly on launch and stores it in
~/Library/Application Support
. I have a Keyboard Maestro macro set up on ⇧⌃⌥⌘P to start and kill this app when needed[1]. - I use Pow as my development web server because all my modern web sites are Rack apps. Pow is great because it just works by intercepting DNS requests and automatically redirecting you to your development web servers on the
domain (no more/etc/hosts
hacks needed, still pristine). Just follow the link to install Pow and see how to symlink sites to activate them. I also created Safari bookmarks for each and every.dev
site I work on so I can easily get to them for demo or development purposes. - I use rvm to manage the versions of ruby and the gemsets I need for each project (and it works automatically with Pow).
- I use the foreman gem to launch and manage additional services needed, such as redis, worker threads and a development web server.
So, lets say I want to work on Kifu. I have a Keyboard Maestro macro that does the following:
- Starts Postgres.app if it is not already running.
- Opens a new iTerm 2 session, and
’s to the Kifu folder. - Kicks off a TextMate 2 session with the Kifu code in it.
- Opens a second terminal tab and kicks off foreman so all the services needed start up.
- Launches a new web browser window that takes me to the development site.
- Triggers Moom to place all the windows where I want them (I’m still old school spatial).
If I want to demo Kifu, I just have to start Postgres.app with ⇧⌃⌥⌘P and launch a browser.
Done with that, and want to blog? Another macro kills off the development environment leaving me with a clean system.
A key benefit of the modern setup is since my blog is an Octopress site, I can always view it locally via Pow - it does not need a database running. While writing, I leave a rake watch
running in a terminal. Easy.
So my modern environment relies on Pow for serving most pages and Keyboard Maestro macros to start and stop what I need. Its quick to start up, and does not chew up resources when I do not need it.
Enabling Legacy
The legacy sites I will be working on need a few things my current environment does not support:
MAMP is the platform most developers use on OS X when they need to deal with MySQL or PHP because it’s easy to set up, easy to start and easy to use.
But it does not work for me. Here’s why:
- First, both Apache and PHP are already installed on OS X and I do not want to have to launch something else just to demo a site. I am spoilt by Pow.
- Secondly, if you are working on more than one site, you need to purchase and install the Pro version of MAMP.
- Thirdly, I deleted MAMP once before and forgot that I had a valuable database in it’s folder, ouch!
For my needs, it’s just easier to bite the bullet and run a local MySql Server when I need it.
Since there is no app for MySQL like Postgres.app, I installed the latest MySql 64-bit Mac version directly from MySQL. Choose the DMG
version to download and hit “No thanks, just start my download.” to bypass the Oracle sign-up irritant. The reason you want the DMG
version is that it contains an installer for the database - which makes it easy to install - and the Preference Pane to manage it - double click to install that. I did not install the Startup Item because I only want MySQL running when I need it (just like PostgreSQL). If you are doing this on a desktop computer, by all means set that up too.
Since Apache and PHP is already installed, we just have to start it. And …
Wait, what? Really, Apple, really?
Under previous versions of OS X, the option to start and stop Apache was in Preferences.app / Sharing. But that was removed in OS X Mountain Lion. Whomever the lowlife at Apple is who decided to remove it shall face my wrath if and when I ever meet them (or needs to bribe me with excellent scotch to stop whining about it).
One solution to this lunacy is to purchase and install OS X Server which kindly gives you limited access to the Apache startup and a full PostgreSQL database install, but this is a development laptop, I don’t need all that running all the time. Another is to install the Web Sharing Prefpane by Tyler Hall; but I did not do this, it feels too much like a hack.
The third option is to use the terminal to start Apache:
sudo apachectl restart
The good part about this is that OS X remembers that you started Apache before and does so again on the next reboot. No need to run this command again.
But with Pow installed, how do you access Apache and PHP for legacy work since Pow redirects all local web requests to it’s own server for modern work? I configured the 37signals trick to serve legacy from Apache and modern from Pow.
Aside: I did try using Rack::Legacy
to convert legacy apps into rack apps that Pow can serve, but I hated that you have to build your own PHP stack to access the commands needed. And I failed to get it working anyway.
Making Pow and Apache work together
You can find the 37signals trick details at Running Pow with Apache, but they gloss over a few issues and steps that I cover in more detail here.
Run the following commands as per the trick, one after the other (you uninstall Pow, reconfigure it, reconfigure Apache, reinstall Pow):
$ curl get.pow.cx/uninstall.sh | sh #if you have pow installed
$ echo 'export POW_DST_PORT=88' >> ~/.powconfig
$ sudo curl https://raw.github.com/gist/1058580/zzz_pow.conf -o /private/etc/apache2/other/zzz_pow.conf
$ sudo apachectl restart
$ curl get.pow.cx | sh
If you try your modern sites now (in my case, say https://hiltmon.dev
), they should still work. Pow still takes over the DNS handling of the .dev
domain, but now it redirects all calls to Apache, which then passes them through to the Pow web server. A smidge slower performance, but it works.
Time to set up the legacy sites. We need to tell Apache to serve these and not pass them through.
Create a file in /etc/apache2/other
called yoursite.conf (where yoursite is the site name). For example, I have a testwordpress
site so the file name is testwordpress.conf
. Then add the following text to it:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /Users/Hiltmon/Projects/Wordpress/code/testwordpress
ServerName testwordpress.dev
<Directory "/Users/Hiltmon/Projects/Wordpress/code/testwordpress">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Replace /Users/Hiltmon/Projects/Wordpress/code/testwordpress
with the path to the root of your legacy site and make sure that the ServerName
matches the .dev
domain you would like to use.
Then start MySQL and restart apache
$ sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start
$ sudo apachectl restart
If you go to your legacy .dev
path from your browser (in my case http://testwordpress.dev
), you should get the legacy site back. Apache and PHP are happily serving it. Try a modern .dev
path (https://hiltmon.dev
again), and after a tick, it should come up too as Pow serves it. Brilliant!
To make this work for me the same as modern development, I created a Keyboard Maestro macro on ⇧⌃⌥⌘O to start and stop MySQL[2]. I leave Apache running like Pow, it does not use any resources when not in use.
Note that:
- These legacy sites do not need to be in
folders like rack apps as they are plain old web sites. - If you get an error from Apache, it’s usually permissions, but check the following:
chmod 755
all the folders in the path to the legacy site root- Check the path in the
file is correct and restart Apache - Make sure your
file is not lexically afterzzz_pow.conf
- Make sure that
NameVirtualHost *:80
is uncommented in/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
- Because its read-only for Apache, the Wordpress installer cannot write the
file, but if you’re doing this, I’m sure you can cope.
Modern and Legacy Together
As a result of all this hackage, I can now develop and demo both modern and legacy web sites on my laptop reliably using the same flows and tools I prefer by triggering a different set of keyboard macros. And then kill off unnecessary services when I no longer need them with more macros. All without cluttering up OS X outside my home folder too much and without fear that I’m going to delete any key databases.
Now to see if I remember any PHP!
Follow the author as @hiltmon on Twitter and @hiltmon on App.Net. Mute #xpost
on one.