If you use more than one computer, keeping your dotfiles in sync is difficult. You either need to run a sync program like ChronoSync or set up your own rsync
scripts. And then remember to run them.
I’m lazy, I just want it to work. So here is a lightweight way to share your key dotfiles across computers using Dropbox.
Create a folder in Dropbox called Scripts
and save your dotfiles there:
$ cp ~/.inputrc ~/Dropbox/Scripts/inputrc.txt
$ cp ~/.bash_profile ~/Dropbox/Scripts/bash_profile.sh
Note: The leading dots have been removed in Dropbox so the files are not hidden and will sync. I also add file extensions to make editing them easier.
Now that they are shared on each computer, replace your ~/.bash_profile
# Copy my shared inputrc (may require 2 loads)
cp ~/Dropbox/Scripts/inputrc.txt ~/.inputrc
# Use my shared profile
source ~/Dropbox/Scripts/bash_profile.sh
I have this saved as use_this_bash_profile.sh
and, on each computer, just once
$ cp ~/Dropbox/Scripts/use_this_bash_profile.sh ~/.bash_profile
Boom, edit dotfiles once, shared on all computers automatically.
Bonus Tip: Plonk all your other common scripts in the same shared folder and add it to your PATH.
Follow the author as @hiltmon on Twitter and @hiltmon on App.Net. Mute #xpost
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