| C++

The Simple C++ Makefile - Executable Edition

I develop a lot of applications in C++ using Xcode on OS X and deploy them to CentOS Linux Servers to run. I follow the Simple C++ Project Structure (and the Xcode edition) to code up each product.

However, Xcode is not available on Linux. To compile and deploy (and to test compiles and deploys), I use standard Unix Makefiles, available almost everywhere.

In this post I will show you the Makefile I use for multi-platform C++ executable builds and explain what each line and command does in detail. For Library builds, I have a similar, but different Makefile, see The Simple C++ Makefile - Library Edition (Coming Soon).

The Standard Project

I have selected one of my real projects for this post. The project is laid out as follows (most of the source files have been removed to shorten the list):

├── Makefile
├── README.markdown
├── SantaCruzServer.xcodeproj
├── doc
│   └── SantaCruz-dev.yml
├── include
│   ├── caches
│   │   └── session_cache.h
│   ├── components
│   ├── connections
│   ├── queues
│   ├── workers
│   └── version.h
└── src
    ├── caches
    │   └── session_cache.cpp
    ├── components
    ├── connections
    ├── workers
  	└── main.cpp

As expected, the C++ source files are under the src folder and includes are in the include tree.

And here is the Makefile, the actual one I am using. Scroll below to see the breakdown and why I did it this way.

#  Makefile
#  SantaCruzServer
#  Created by Hilton Lipschitz on 2015-09-01.
#  Copyright (c) 2015 Maritime Capital LP. All rights reserved.

# HIL: No spaces or comments after otherwise it captures them!
# Determine the platform
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)

# CC
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
	CC := clang++ -arch x86_64
	CC := g++

# Folders
SRCDIR := src
BUILDDIR := build

# Targets
EXECUTABLE := SantaCruzServer

# Final Paths
INSTALLBINDIR := /usr/local/bin

# Code Lists
SRCEXT := cpp
SOURCES := $(shell find $(SRCDIR) -type f -name *.$(SRCEXT))
OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(BUILDDIR)/%,$(SOURCES:.$(SRCEXT)=.o))

# Folder Lists
# Note: Intentionally excludes the root of the include folder 
# so the lists are clean
  $(shell find include/**/* -name '*.h' -exec dirname {} \; | sort | uniq)
INCLIST := $(patsubst include/%,-I include/%,$(INCDIRS))
BUILDLIST := $(patsubst include/%,$(BUILDDIR)/%,$(INCDIRS))

# Shared Compiler Flags
CFLAGS := -c
INC := -I include $(INCLIST) -I /usr/local/include
LIB := -L /usr/local/lib -lsantacruzengine -lsantacruzlib -larcadia \
  -lcorinth -lyaml-cpp -lzmq -lhiredis -lbondoas

# Platform Specific Compiler Flags
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
    CFLAGS += -std=gnu++11 -O2 # -fPIC
    # PostgreSQL Special
    PG_VER := 9.3
    INC += -I /usr/pgsql-$(PG_VER)/include
    LIB += -L /usr/pgsql-$(PG_VER)/lib 
	CFLAGS += -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -O2

	@mkdir -p $(TARGETDIR)
	@echo "Linking..."
	@echo "  Linking $(TARGET)"; $(CC) $^ -o $(TARGET) $(LIB)

	@mkdir -p $(BUILDLIST)
	@echo "Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -c -o $@ $<

	@echo "Cleaning $(TARGET)..."; $(RM) -r $(BUILDDIR) $(TARGET)

	@echo "Installing $(EXECUTABLE)..."; cp $(TARGET) $(INSTALLBINDIR)

.PHONY: clean

Breaking the Makefile down

This Makefile compiles a program called SantaCruzServer into the local bin folder, and installs it into the standard shared OS X and Linux /usr/local/bin folder. Lets see how it does it, line by line.

UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)

The first step is to determine which platform the make is running on. I look for Darwin indicating an OS X computer or Linux for Linux.

# CC
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
	CC := clang++ -arch x86_64
	CC := g++

OS X uses the new LLVM Clang compiler (I choose the C++ version), but my Linux servers run GCC 4.8. The $(CC) variable now contains the compiler command for the current platform.

# Folders
SRCDIR := src
BUILDDIR := build

These variables set the location of the Source Code (src), where the build object files will go (build) and where the target will be saved (bin).

# Targets
EXECUTABLE := SantaCruzServer

This sets up the Makefile target to make bin/SantaCruzServer. Note that, by default, this Makefile builds to a local bin folder so it does not overwrite the running application in case of a failed compile on deploy.

# Final Paths
INSTALLBINDIR := /usr/local/bin

This sets where the executable will be installed.

# Code Lists
SRCEXT := cpp
SOURCES := $(shell find $(SRCDIR) -type f -name *.$(SRCEXT))
OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(BUILDDIR)/%,$(SOURCES:.$(SRCEXT)=.o))

Make needs a list of source code files to compile to object files. This list gets built here. I use the $(SRCEXT) variable to store my source code file extension. I then use a shell command to search the src folder (and its subfolders) for all .cpp files and build the $(SOURCES) list. I then create an $(OBJECTS) list from the $(SOURCES) substituting the source path and extension with the build path and the object extension. This makes our compile rule simpler.

# Folder Lists
# Note: Intentionally excludes the root of the include folder so the lists are clean
INCDIRS := $(shell find include/**/* -name '*.h' -exec dirname {} \; | sort | uniq)
INCLIST := $(patsubst include/%,-I include/%,$(INCDIRS))
BUILDLIST := $(patsubst include/%,$(BUILDDIR)/%,$(INCDIRS))

The next set of lists are used to build the list of include folders and related lists.

Aside: I am one of those quirky C++ programmers that does not use pathed #includes (e.g. Instead of #include "../caches/session_cache.h" I simply use #include "session_cache.h") and expect the compiler to figure it where things are. This way I can re-arrange the code-base by moving files around, not change anything and it still compiles and runs. Xcode behaves the same way by default.

So, the $(INCDIRS) variable contains a unique list of subfolders under the include folder where all my header files reside. The $(INCLIST) variable is a transformation of $(INCDIRS) into the format needed as compiler flags. For example include/caches is transformed into -I include/caches. The $(BUILDLIST) variable creates a list of pathed subfolders for the build folder, where include/caches becomes build/caches for the compile step.

# Shared Compiler Flags
CFLAGS := -c
INC := -I include $(INCLIST) -I /usr/local/include
LIB := -L /usr/local/lib -lsantacruzengine -lsantacruzlib \ 
  -larcadia -lcorinth -lyaml-cpp -lzmq -lhiredis -lbondoas

Most of the compiler flags are shared across both platforms and are set here. In this case, $(CFLAGS) is set to tell the compiler to compile only.

The $(INC) variable is set to help the compiler find include files automatically, so it adds the include folder where the root header files are, the list of include subfolders determined above and the system shared /usr/local/include folder for shared library includes. Now I no longer need to worry when I move files around the code-base.

The $(LIB) variable adds the shared system /usr/local/lib folder where the shared libraries can be found. The rest of that line contains a long list of libraries that this real program needs to link with (and is project specific - you need to set these for each project based on that project’s needs). Note that all my shared libraries are in /usr/local.

# Platform Specific Compiler Flags
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
  	CFLAGS += -std=gnu++11 -O2 # -fPIC
  	# PostgreSQL Special
  	PG_VER := 9.3
  	INC += -I /usr/pgsql-$(PG_VER)/include
  	LIB += -L /usr/pgsql-$(PG_VER)/lib 
	CFLAGS += -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -O2

Not all settings are the same, which is why the Makefile now adds platform-specific parameters to our variables.

On Linux, I use the gnu++11 system library (to go with g++) and this gets added to the $(CFLAGS) variable. Also, for some unknowable reason, the PostgreSQL include and library files are in a non-standard location in Linux, so they get added to the $(INC) and $(LIB) variables too.

On OS X, I set clang to use the c++11 language and to link with the libc++ system library.

	@mkdir -p $(TARGETDIR)
	@echo "Linking..."
	@echo "  Linking $(TARGET)"; $(CC) $^ -o $(TARGET) $(LIB)

As a habit, I set the final goal of the Makefile first. In this case, make needs to make the $(TARGET) which is bin/SantaCruzServer given the list of $(OBJECTS) we generated above.

First it creates the bin folder if it does not exist, then links the objects into an executable. The $^ represents the list of targets.

Aside: I am also not one of those people who has to see a busy screen of detailed commands as they compile. So, for Makefile rules, I prepend them with a friendly message and do not print out the actual multi-line incomprehensible command. See the output later on for examples.

	@mkdir -p $(BUILDLIST)
	@echo "Compiling $<..."; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -c -o $@ $<

The Makefile needs to know how to generate the $(OBJECTS), and that’s where the compile step comes in. For all files in the src folder, it compiles to a matching object file in the build folder.

That’s all we need to build the application, but the Makefile has to do more.

	@echo "Cleaning $(TARGET)..."; $(RM) -r $(BUILDDIR) $(TARGET)

The clean target tells make to remove the target bin/SantaCruzServer and the build folder. This gives us the ability to force a full recompile.

	@echo "Installing $(EXECUTABLE)..."; cp $(TARGET) $(INSTALLBINDIR)

The install target copies SantaCruzServer to /usr/local/bin where it will run in production.


And to uninstall, we have the distclean target.

.PHONY: clean

This final line of code tricks make into being able to run the clean rules. If it were not here, make would try to build a file called clean and fail.

Using the Makefile

To start

$ make clean

This resets the environment. The output in this project is:

Cleaning bin/SantaCruzServer...

To build the executable

$ make -j

This tells make to build the primary target - in this case the first and only one in the file.

Tip: The -j parameter parallelizes the build for speed. The documentation for make specifies that you need a number of jobs as part of this parameter, but if you set none, make uses all cores.

In my case, the output is:

Compiling src/connections/control_channel_responder.cpp...
Compiling src/connections/request_listener.cpp...
Compiling src/connections/response_publisher.cpp...
Compiling src/caches/session_cache.cpp...
Compiling src/main.cpp...
Compiling src/sc_configuration.cpp...
Compiling src/sc_logger.cpp...
Compiling src/sc_server.cpp...
Compiling src/workers/worker.cpp...
Compiling src/workers/worker_pool.cpp...
  Linking bin/SantaCruzServer

The executable can now be found in bin/SantaCruzServer and run.

$ bin/SantaCruzServer
2015-09-28 21:50:53.999 Info: SantaCruz V0.01 Alpha Server Starting...
2015-09-28 21:50:53.006 Debug: Using SantaCruzLIB Version 0.1 Alpha
2015-09-28 21:50:53.013 Debug: Using SantaCruzEngine Version 0.1 Alpha

To install the executable in production:

sudo make install

This will copy the new executable into production. For development deploys, you do not need the sudo.

The output is:

Installing SantaCruzServer...

And to uninstall:

$ make distclean
Removing SantaCruzServer

And the executable is all gone.

Reusing this Makefile in the next project

The entire Makefile can be copied to the next project. Only a few changes are needed:

  • The $(EXECUTABLE) name needs to change for the new project
  • The list of libraries in the $(LIB) variable needs to match the libraries linked to by the new project.
  • If PostgreSQL is not needed, remove it from the Linux Platform Specific Compiler Flags (and remove the $(INC) and $(LIB) additions).

And that’s all there is to it.

I am using this same Makefile pattern across many, many projects and it works well for me. I hope it can help you compile and deploy your C++ projects with ease.

Follow the author as @hiltmon on Twitter.

Posted By Hilton Lipschitz · Sep 28, 2015 10:07 PM